You know something must be up if we agree to write together, right? Well……have you noticed how this blog is titled “Travels with Phaedra and Zoe”? We haven’t been doing the traveling since we got back from the Nor’easters in South Carolina in October.
Since then, the folks have gone to Cozumel and left us home alone. Oh, yeah, we had
P: The folks soon found out that we didn't like that any too much. One of us – it’s usually the youngest who’s the naughtiest you know – got into a tad of trouble. She ate a comforter. She ate a pillowcase and two pillows. She ate a
Z: When the parents got back, somehow I got blamed for all of this. Mom thought that I couldn't have done everything and thought that maybe Phaedra had really done it and lied to them. But, they decided to test out her theory by having me stay in my den while they go out. And they
P: But, how did that get back at them? I got punished, too, by having to stay in the room with you as well. That wasn't any fun. We didn't even get to go to Florida this winter. That isn't fair. I’m
P and Z: Oh!! They did help elect this great man to be president. That was exciting. Mom said she never thought that she’d get to see something like this happen in her life time or to have a woman be a viable candidate for president, either. She’s really proud of this country. We’d make a great team as President and Vice President, don’t you think? We are kind to others, have fun, and never cheat on our taxes.
They trained to be Community Emergency

Plus, they are doing volunteering, too, like helping do taxes for low-income and elderly people for free. That’s good, I guess. They also maintain a blog for this animal organization, Bayou Rescue. It’s a really good thing that helps out in disasters nationally and locally (like a house fire). I hope someone would help us out if we ever needed it!
So, they do all of this. And, we stay at home. P and Z