Phaedra here…………

Zoe and I must be in heaven. Mom and Dad call it Rocky Mountain National Park, but we know it as the land of elk poop. Everywhere we walk there IT is for the taking. Yum! Yum!

We got to heaven on June 1st and went for a ride late that afternoon. Just 2 miles

outside the park, Dad saw some people parked and there they were, six male bighorn sheep. Mom and Dad have been to this park 4 other times looking daily for sheep, never seeing one. They were both so excited, and

we were with them!

Not to be outdone, the next day we all went for another

drive and saw 2 black bears. They were actually brownish in color but were really black bears. What a start to RMNP!!!!!!
This park is spread out, so we were able to travel a lot with

them. We were there when they saw at least 11 more sheep, one was a ewe and 2 were yearlings.

The best time we had on Week One was driving over Trail Ridge Road, which had just opened May 28. Snow on the road was higher than the Winnebago in front of us! We were able to play in the snow even

though it was only 44 degrees. The visitor center at the top was still almost totally covered with snow.

We really don’t like the drive itself with all the twists and turns, but the western side has most of the moose because it is much wetter. We were not disappointed when Dad saw a moose eating at a tree just

off the road. A second one was nearby. Were they ever happy!!!

Our first weekend here was relaxing. We did not spend much time in the park because it was free weekend and lots of people visited the park. We do have another week to go, but Zoe will have a hard time beating my week.

By the way, you know how Papa and Mama love coffee, right? Well, they have another favorite coffee shop: Coffee on the Rocks. It is right on the Big Thompson River and has a little pond of its own plus bagels and good coffee. There is even a water dish and a long line for dogs to use. We haven’t been invited there yet, but we are hoping for the best.

Great summer to all y’all.
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