Our friends, Sally and Jim, returned from Chapel Hill, and they all made plans to have adventures. Without us, of course. Mom and Papa celebrated Papa’s birthday by going to a great restaurant on the water for breakfast, and then went to dinner with Sally and Jim that evening at a
place called Snook Inn on the Isle of Capri. It was cold and rainy, but they still had fun eating outside by the waterway. They didn’t even bring anything back for us. Fish or steak would have been just the thing. I wonder if they even remembered that they had two great girls waiting patiently for them back home. Fish would have been really nice, don’t you think?
The weather went back to being cool, again, and it even rained. Mom never put on her swimsuit. Papa did – to wash the truck, once. They were pretty bummed out! It didn’t get warm until the 23rd. It finally got up to about 80 degrees, and Mom and Papa went kayaking with Sally and Jim and their friends, Phil and Pat. Their friends had their own kayaks, but Mom and Papa rented one. They had pedal sea-kayaks and thought it was really wonderful. They went shelling on an island right near
the Gulf, saw lots of birds and even kayaked beside dolphins. They were gone for 5 long hours while we stayed home. By ourselves, of course. Alone!
All of us went to Ding Darling Nature Preserve on Sanibel Island a couple of days ago. It was amazing that there were any birds out at all because it was so cold and windy. Mom got great pictures of herons, roseate spoonbills, and white Pelicans. The best part was that they visited with their friend, Sherree, from Madison, Wisconsin. We got to go this time. We had to stay in the car, though. I kept guard for them.
There was a nest with osprey right outside the house. Mom really liked that. Phae and I barked at it, but we didn’t scare it. It was bigger than we are. I’m glad that it liked the fish it was eating so it didn’t want to eat us.
The next day, we all went back to Turner Road in the Big Cypress Swamp. We saw great birds and alligators. Since it was the last trip out there, Papa thought we should go panther hunting, too. This time we followed the GPS and didn’t get lost!
We saw a pair of bobcats but no panthers. There were new signs up all over the area, though, warning that it is a designated panther area. The
folks wondered why the signs were new. Maybe we weren’t the only ones to see panthers there recently!
It got cold again. Phae and I don’t mind too much. We have nice, warm coats and I get to sleep under the covers next to Mom at night. But, it rained so much that the truck was in the middle of a puddle yesterday. It got colder too. I didn’t think it could get much colder. People say that this is the coldest February on record. EVER! Just as we are getting ready to leave, it’s supposed to start to get warm. Go figure!
Oh, guess what? I don’t need my den anymore. I haven’t eaten any pillows and the comforter hasn’t had a malfunction again. It’s been difficult, but I’m a really good little girl. Mama always says so. Phaedra doesn’t agree, but she’s just jealous! I just get better and better, don’t you know!
Tomorrow we hit the road so we probably won’t write until this summer when we head out for the west coast. We’ll be in touch in a couple of months.
Zoe (and my sister, Phaedra.