Zoe and I have enjoyed being in Santa Fe for this week. Once Zoe got better from her surgery, we got to go lots of places. Plus, Zoe has really been running me ragged. The parents really like the city of Santa Fe. The architecture is all similar, but Mom really loves the way it just looks like cliffs or hills until you get right up on it. Everything in the main area of Santa Fe is constructed in the adobe style even if it isn't original. Here is the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi. We thought he looked really kind standing in front of this cathedral. Maybe he'll bless us, too, even though the signs said no animals were allowed.

This hotel, La Fonda, was only built in 1922 on the same site of earlier hotels at the end of the Santa Fe Trail. I sure wouldn't have wanted to walk all the way from the East to get here like they did. I bet dogs weren't seen on the trains very often.
Last night, Mom had Dad drive all of us up to the Santa Fe Ski Resort to see the sun set at 7:21. Guess what? The sun really set at 8:21. We got to

have a supper picnic looking out over the valley where Santa Fe is, though. Then I kept hearing Mom say "This really fits the saying, 'Every cloud has a silver lining!' doesn't it?" I don't think she is right 'cause the clouds turned orange and pink later on. I don't get it, I guess. Neither did Zoe. Dad seemed to enjoy it, though.

Today, all of us got ready to leave tomorrow morning. That means that Z and I slept while the folks shopped and shopped. You should have seen the stuff they brought back. Then we all piled into the truck and headed out for a place called Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks. There used to be volcanoes here a long time ago and this place has the weirdest rocks. Don't they look like Tents? They just stick up out of the ground. The problem, though, was that we all got out onto the trail after being told about rattlesnakes being right near the trail. You think I was going exploring? You've got to be kidding, right? Anyway, we got a little way down the trail and that wimp Zoe had her tongue dragging on the ground. It was only 91* so I don't know what her problem was. Mom kept touching the trail to see how hot it was on our feet and finally she and dad decided that she would take us back to the car area and he would continue on the trail alone. It was kinda hot, I guess. Z got to ride in Mom's arms back to the parking area, but I had to walk. Anyway, it was nice to sit in the shade and drink cold water until Dad returned. Coming home it showed 100* on the thermometer in the car. The reservation was really pretty - especially when we saw the buffaloes. Then there were these weird flock of birds - 20 or so Red Tail Hawks just floating along. I think I like the desert.

Well, I probably won't be able to write for a while. We'll be in Grand Canyon for 4 nights with our friend Parker and her folks. I can't wait to eat the marshmallows the guys bought today! I'll tell you all about our visit at the canyon when we get back to a place that has WiFi as soon as I can.
Oh, one last thing, Anne in NC said that lots of bloggers get book deals. Do any of you know a good agent? Think of all the fun I could have if I sold my memoirs! P