Well here we are at the Grand Canyon. It sure is deep and HOT!
The family joined us but stayed in their own tent.

Parker liked being with us. Zoe loved chasing me and then chasing Parker.

After awhile all Zoe wanted to do was hide. She even curled up around Anne's neck to get away. Everytime we went for a walk, guess who wanted to come with us. You got it, Parker. She's a pretty awesome walker, and she gives great treats when we do what our parents want!

There was a cookout with s'mores. We didn't get any. Poor us! We're practically starving out here!

They all pretended to hike down the famous Bright Angel Canyon trail which was ten miles long zigzagging down into the canyon. That's a picture of it from Hopi Point which is a great place to see the sunset, too. It lets you look way down the canyon. They all went 100 feet. WOW!!!!

Mom enjoyed seeing the California Condors. There are only 63 in the park and they saw bunches. The views were awesome from all along the South Rim. They were even able to see rafts going down the Colorado River.

Well enough from here. Zoe will add all about Bryce Canyon which is our next stop.
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